The Emilian landscape depicts figuratively a middle ground in the heart of the Po Valley between the Apennines and the Po river which is known as the food valley. The geographical coordinates and the unfolding of a history characterised by a succession of noble and royal emblems summarize by themselves the riches contained in this terroir.

The word segreto, secret in English, is a magical word because it is linked to an emotion. It indicates a hidden information, known to just a few. It hides within itself and reveals itself to no one. It is a reserved, intimate condition, with a transmission by word of mouth that in a way recalls a domestic kitchen.

The culinary secrets are rooted at home, where the Italian culture of “eating well” creates its archetypes of taste. Segreti Emiliani does it too, by always revealing new expressions of its archetype, carrying within itself the magic of food that first becomes emotion and then memory. The flavours of Emilia come to life with the purpose of enhancing the Emilian territory with the secrets of its land, the excellence of the gastronomic tradition, its local products, the secrets of craftmanship, the culinary mastery, the secrets of modern food science.

The small shop of secret flavours becomes a “fairy tale of food”.

The knowledge of the past flavours the present.
